Look into my eyes...

You will lose!!!
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Make Plans Now

Thursday, December 24. Make plans to come over and enjoy good food and company. I am going to put something out on the smoker early in the morning, and if you would bring some sort of a side dish we can all have a feast.

While we may not be having cervezas on the back porch while enjoying the hot summer sun, we can enjoy a fire inside. It will be a good time.

I have been trying a bunch of new chicken, beef and pork recipes on the smoker. Would be glad to try a variety, or whatever sounds the best. Let's get a menu started. Replay and let me know who all can make it.
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He Is Alive

You were not expecting this....http://www.garageband.com/artist/TheStephensonCompany

Take a listen, read the page, really saturate yourself in this fellas.
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Give Me Some Input

Okay, I have to use my entrepreneurial skills and plug some of my products, hey, even on the family blog. You know, us capitalistic pigs will do anything for a buck, but you know, it takes all kinds.

Seriously, after ten or so months of work, I am just about ready to launch on a much bigger scale my HOVZNET site, which is an Internet product site. I actually have quite a few customers now, but I haven't really seriously done a whole lot with the site.

What I would really like is for you folks to go to the site and play around with it, maybe set up an account, and give me some input on it; what you like, what you don't like. It will be changing quite frequently in the next few weeks as a change this and that and tailor it more towards my target group.

I figure since most of us use the Internet a lot, this is a great test market. Many of the pages now are in their generic form, so much will be changing. Any ideas anyone has would be greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day!!!!
The website is www.HovZnet.com
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I've been invited!!

Well, well, well.... I have finally been invited to the family blog so here I am blogging!! You know, the sound of that (blogging) sounds like something is caught in your throat. To be sure, an exaggerated sound like blaaawwwwggg is a noise I have made a few times in the morning after staying up with old friends the night before and drinking way too many adult beverages.
Speaking of drinking too much, one big accomplishment in the last couple of years is that I hardly drink at all anymore. No particular reason why; I mean, it's not like woke up one morning and said, "you know, I think I will quit drinking." I just don't really enjoy it like I once did. Now, that is not to say I don't drink anymore, I just only drink now if I am by myself or with someone.
Nothing of course will make you drink like, well, watching the OU game against Texas Tech. You know that game reminded of when Blake or Gibbs was coaching. I really don't know what's up with the Sooners this year, but it has certainly been a rough season. This really makes me feel good that we sold the tickets like we did. I guess the Sooners are like the economy. We certainly can't stay on top every year, but after such a crash, you know we will rebound and come back - even without a bailout.
I turned 40 on November 21. This means Ive lived on this planet nearly half a century. I don't feel a day over 39. I may have to start using Viagra or something now. It's just hard to beleive I am 40 years old. I remember being in high school thinking that 25 seemed really, really old, and that, I would probably be dead by 35. Well, I didn't die at 35 and here I am at 40. Unbelievable.
Speaking of Viagra, a friend of mine was telling me about the great benefits of it. He would go on and on about how good the drug is. All I can say is don't get choked up trying to swallow the pill and get it stuck in your throat. This is what happened to me and it gave me a stiff neck.
Actually, I have no use for Viagra because, well, there certainly isn't anything going on in that department. Which reminds me, I have been happily single now for 9 years. That is almost as long as Kena and I were together including the marriage.
I look forward to many more posts.... in the meantime, have a great day!!
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Paris pictures

Hey everyone,

I have finally got about 100 pictures from Paris uploaded to the Shutterfly site. Take a look and let me know what you think. Meg and I have plans to visit Turkey next month, Bourdeaux and Scotland in January, and Amsterdam in February. I will let you know how each trip goes.

Remember, the address is rhettsphotojournal.shutterfly.com, and the password is our favorite person from the Lake. You will enjoy these photos; I took out many of Meagan's photos that featured the baguette, because she took at least 15 (yes, we caught that many Parisians eating baguettes).

Anyway, say hi to everyone for me and let me know if you ever want to setup a call. I can accommodate. In addition, let me know if you have any questions on the pictures (like where they were taken).

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News From the Waffle Iron

It seems the quiet folks of Waffletown are being tormented and terrorized by an unknown assailant. Just last night she struck again, demanding from a local merchant, "Give me a bottle of anything, and these...to go,go,go"

If you have seen her, or any early '80s Van Halen video, you should call the police and probably run for cover.

The mountain waters of New Mexico were kind this year, as one day this slub of a UCO instructor stomped around for 18 miles, in one day. Don't let the views from the highway fool you, New Mexico is a great place that only lacks two things Colorado always has, 14,000 foot mountains and crowds of people.

And finally, while this may not appear as news worthy, we believe it is worth sharing. This was taken at the conclusion of a wonderful day of driving and sight seeing. This photo was taken on the east end of the Eufaula Lake just a few miles from a certain double-wide. Which, shortly after taking this picture was fully inspected. It appears very little foot traffic has seen this trailer, and the place could use a good cleaning. We suggest saving your nickles and dimes in a sock or under a mattress, or wherever you feel you need to. For you see, that double-wide is not the only trailer this reporter believes will soon be up for sale.

Until next time, remember you are always on the record
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Hey Everyone,

I have uploaded some random pictures from Paris. I am in the process of uploading them to the Shutterfly site (275 in all), but that takes time. I hope you enjoy the pictures, however.

How is everyone doing? The firepit looks nice, but I imagine the weather is still too warm for fires. I hear Ted might be returning for school, and if that is the case Big Ted needs to contact me. I am friends with the Dean at OU's Gaylord College, and I can get you a plethora of answers.

Meg is progressing quite well through school, and I am still searching for work. I am not at the desperation stage yet, but that time is on the horizon. Thank you, by the way, for helping mom and Dennis gather items to send us. We greatly appreciate things such as fried onions for green bean casserole.

Anyway, I am off, but throw up some posts. I thought I remember most of you having kids, but I hear nothing about them. Oh well.


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The Fire Pit Pt. III, The Revenge

Okay, so here it is. I really do think that fate allowed Sandra and I to meet so that we could purchase a house so that Priscilla Dionysus could be constructed. Anyway, here are some pictures.
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Update on the fire pit.

Since you are all wondering in great anticipation, (especially Mike), I am here to update you on the fire pit. When I posted last time the fire pit was more of a...prototype. It was functionally complete but not altogether finished.

As of this most previous Sunday, the fire pit is complete. Her name is Priscilla Dionysus and she is a beaut. It stands nearly two feet tall with a removable and adjustable fourth layer, giving the user greater flexibility concerning the wind. While the circumference is currently unmeasured, do not worry. A couple of turkeys or a 200 pound pit will roast nicely.

My only obstacle is an adequate top for it.

I think I can find one, but in the meantime, by good friend and I are going to fashion a sturdy, heavy-duty iron spit.

Next to it is a pile of wood and a chopping block with an 8 pound wood splitter embedded quite deeply.

Ah this winter should be nice.

Between Sandra and I being unmarried, constant billowing of smoke emanating from our back yard, and multiple instances of very loud verbal sparring with solicitors and the police, we are quickly becoming the lice of the neighborhood.

While we do not litter our yard with half-filled kiddie pools and vintage bus parts, we are pondering the notion of getting one of those swell little silhouette cutouts of a cowboy to adhere to the East side of the house.

Well I am off to chop some wood. It relieves tension. Between 3 women, 4 cats and a incontinent German Shepard, I get a lot of wood chopped.
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New website

I am working on a new site for my design and illustration portfolio and I thought a good way to get feedback is to ask the worldwide audience/4 people that read this blog to give me some input. If you all could go to the site and click on the images and then briefly tell me if you have any issues with the site. Specifically I need to know the OS you are using, the browser and version, your monitor dimensions and if you have any trouble with the javascript that makes the images open.

The site isn't complete but once I get info back from the family about the structure I can complete it. Go to http://www.zacharyburch.com/.
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The Pit of Fire is Complete....sorta!

Well I've not taken any pictures of it yet, but tonight is the Maiden Voyage of my own fire pit. To give you and idea of just how awesome this thing truly is would be a literary feat of which I am incapable. Just take my word for it. If all goes well, I'll be crafting swords and armor from the thing. I need to fashion some sorty of spit so that we can rotisserie a pig or a few chickens or even a turkey. In the meantime....word to your Mothra.
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Hello Rhett. I will begin publishing soon.
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Check out my Shutterfly page

Hey everyone,

I have uploaded some pictures from Hampton Court Palace to the Shutterfly site I mentioned awhile back. There are many more to come, but I did not want to upload too many as our Internet is still a bit slow.

How is everyone doing? I am still job hunting, but there have been some promising discussions, so I am not concerned.

Any excitement for OU-Texas this weekend? I am a lot less stressed about it now that OU has nothing to lose. Think about it: All OU needs to do is win the Big 12; Texas is playing for much more and will be a lot more conservative. I say OU has a good chance.

I noticed in fantasy football that Ted was cheating and that Dennis was somehow undefeated. It seems like an odd situation. And Geoff, what have you been up to? Are you and Sandra still plotting a visit?

Have a great weekend and be sure to post something on this blog. Soon I may have to rename it to Rhett's Journal due to the lack of participation from others.
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Question of the week

Please answer the following question and give your rationale.

Would you rather: Do without supermarkets or… do without convenience stores and fast-food restaurants?
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One week down

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to write an email and let you know that I did indeed make it to England. The past five days have been quite busy, and I have not had much time to update anybody on anything.

The picture, however, represents what happened to me today: I was stung by a bee. Everybody keeps their windows open in England to cool the house, so that means occasional visits from bees. It is odd that I have to come all the way to England to be stung by a bee, but I have done it.

Anyway, Meg started classes Wednesday and seems to be enjoying them. I am applying for jobs and trying to put some structure into my new life, but it is a bit difficult. Getting a bank account without a job over here is frowned upon, so I have to get what is called a cash card. Essentially, it is a bank account with a different name. My mobile is a pay as you go that has what appears to be the most ridiculous pricing scheme ever. I am in the process of fixing that. Finally, there are tons of competitors for things such as broadband, so that process is taking a long time because each company has their own little deal.

The weather here has been amazing. Most days it is around 62 degrees, or 18 as the Brits would like to say. We have had no rain since I have been here, but I am told that will change within the next month or so. It is significantly cooler at night here, though.

Finally, an interesting tidbit about British towns; they close early. On Sundays everything is closed by 5, and on the weekdays it is 6. Pubs close at 11, so you pretty much have to go to a club or a "unlicensed" to stay out any later. In addition, wine and beer is sold at grocery stores and most convenience stores, but liquor is heavily taxed. For me that is good because I can concentrate on Spanish and French wines, which are amazing.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I miss you very much. I am certainly not used to things, so it makes the process a bit more difficult. I will be fine, however. Also, Meg and I have a Skype account that allows us to call cell phones and house phones from our computer. It is quite convenient and very, very cheap (2 cents a minute or $3 unlimited calls to U.S. per month). However, the catch is that my number will likely appear as "unknown," so you need to keep your eye out for that or just check your voicemail every now and then.

Until next time, cheers.

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Leaving on a jet plane

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I am finally leaving for London at 9 p.m. Saturday. After three weeks of being homeless, jumping from couch to couch, I received my visa (and got my passport back) and I am off to meet up with Meagan. It was very stressful, but things are looking up and now I have an opportunity to look for a job and enjoy a great year abroad. The visa is actually for three years, but I do not see myself staying that long.

Anyway, I want to keep in touch with everyone and need you all to post to this blog as much as possible. In addition, I created a photo journal on Shutterfly to share with everyone. You can and should post pictures to the site as well, so we can all know things are going. The link to the site is: http://rhettsphotojournal.shutterfly.com/ and the password is ernie. For those of you who remember, Ernie is our friend from the lake.

Also, please add Meagan to this site. Her email address is megmack83@gmail.com. Finally, answer your phones!!!

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10th Annual Trash Film Festival

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This is my latest poster. I'm working on a new illustration style that is a combination between my previous styles with a little beatnik 50's and 60's flavor added. This poster is for a little movie festival some of our friends put on every year that is a bit like the old days at Walt's' when we would pick the worst movies we could find and crack up while watching. The Trash Film Festival is similar except we all sit around like Mystery Scence Theatre 3000 and laugh at the most ridiculous movies ever produced. You guys need to check out such classics as Wild Guitar and The Killer Shrews, they will absolutely kill you!
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Hey everyone,

I just wanted to update you on my situation. I am still waiting for word on my visa, but since the process has taken so long, Meg is heading to London on her own Friday. Hopefully I can join her within three or four days.

Once I find out when I am leaving, I will let you know. In the meantime I will spend my days unemployed and homeless in Philadelphia.

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Things I recommend on a boring day

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to recommend a few sites to visit on a boring day at work. There have been several of these days for me in the past few weeks as I wrap up my job at GSK, so I am what one would consider an expert. There is an advisory, the humor is an acquired taste.

  • Stuff White People Like: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/
  • Black People Love Us: http://www.blackpeopleloveus.com/
  • This is Why You're Fat: http://thisiswhyyourefat.com/
  • Texts from Last Night: http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/
  • FML (Just think about the acronym): http://www.fmylife.com/
Again, these are great sites for a day of mindless work.
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Is this thing on?

Well upon getting my first invite to Boxed Lightning, it occurred to me that I might do some transferring of account information. As you can imagine, I am operating on Mike Burch time, so it took me nearly 3 weeks to get it completed.

For those of you concerned, Sandra, Destiny, Maris, and I are now finally moved into our house. There are still scant traces of our having recently moved such as filled cardboard boxes serving as nightstands, a lot of "To-Go" containers in the refrigerator, and a front yard that at this point is just begging to filled with old Ford engine parts, a half filled plastic children's pool, and loads of "Recycling". We have done nothing for the back yard yet, but our 4 cats and 1 dog are doing their best to "fertilize" the ground. All of our neighbors seem to be very nice, well educated, financially sound, with nice vehicles that run consistently, and very lush yards. This invariably forces me to ponder, "Are we the Bundy's of the neighborhood? Am I the Kramer of this street? Are we perceived similarly to the Addams, the Simpsons, or the Griffins?"

Well if not, we sure will be soon.
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Update from Philly (includes key dates)

To all my fans in Oklahoma, and I know there are many, the hype building around my visit has boiled over. The people have asked me countless times, "When are you coming home Big R?" Well, the dates are official, so after you read this you are on notice.

Meagan and I arrive in Shawnee on Aug. 9 after a 20 hour drive with the cats. We are going to be in Central Oklahoma for at least seven days. I was thinking we should do a get together with everyone that did not include a draft on Aug. 15, which is a Saturday. We could do this at Ted's or give Geoff an opportunity to show off his new place. The location does not really matter.

During the week of Aug. 17 I will be in Tulsa for a majority of the time. However, I was thinking we could do our fantasy draft, inviting only those who were interested, on Aug. 22 or 23. How does everyone's schedule look? Would those dates be appropriate?

The Swiss Cheese Cowboys are ready for another season of dominating the lower ranks, but a name change may be in the cards. That has not been confirmed. Below is a list of questions I have concerning the league:

  • How many teams are in the league this season?
  • Any rule changes?
  • What is the draft order?
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Just in case anyone forgot...

I didn't want it to escape anyone's memory. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have on how history was made in 2008. I am giving a tutorial on draft day expertise. Seating is limited so sign up today, and maybe YOU can learn from the Pip.
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Fantasy Football

It's almost time for football! We need to set a date to have the draft party. I nominate Ted's house as the locale and I am thinking some fall off the bone pork butt should be on the menu. Wait, does pork butt have a bone? Oh well. Rhett needs to tell us when he is coming in and we will set the date. Even if you aren't going to participate in the league please attend the festivities. There might be a jersey presentation ceremony if I can get some donations from this bunch of deadbeat chumps we call a league. If you have any realistic suggestions for improving the league let me know and we can put them up for a vote.
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Hey everyone,

Greetings from America's most underrated city. If you spend 20 years in school (kindergarten, elementary, middle, high, undergrad, and grad) your reward is a visit from one of the most valued relics in Oklahoma: Bobbie Brackeen. She and Dennis made the trip that some say was never meant to be. It was a big accomplishment for mom considering her sciatica, so Meg and I are quite proud of her. Everyone should give a big round of applause to her doctors, however, who decided after months of mistreatment that she was indeed worthy of some pain medication.

Meg and I do send our greeting from Philly and with this outlet we hope to post some pictures and stories throughout the summer before we move to London. For those who were wondering, the market rate of the GBP/USD is killing me in terms of a work visa. One most show they have earned a minimum amount of money in pounds sterling as part of the Tier 1 Visa program in the United Kingdom. As of April I had earned enough, but had to wait in application due to my graduation date. Now, after graduation, I am faced with a weak dollar, which has made me short of the £25,000 earnings required (Multiply £25,000 by 1.64 and you will see where I am). Everybody pray for the Pound to weaken over the next 10 days!

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News from the Waffle Iron

From time to time, The Waffle Iron will be bringing you local stories with a local flavor. As your local publication, we understand how important it is to see yourself and your loved ones in our publication. So keep in eye out for yourself, you may just end up in The Waffle Iron.

Celebrity in town for reasons unknown to residents
A celebrity was spotted in our quiet little town recently. Some local residents say Steven Wright was in town for a tall class of powdered milk and scrambled eggs. Other eye wittiness's claim the Christopher Lloyd was on site for perhaps a reunion episode of Taxi. Whatever the reasoning, if you see this man, please show him the respect and cordiality of our little town, and run the other direction and avoid any eye contact, restraining yourself from asking for an autograph.

If you have seen this man or young lady you are asked to call crime stoppers immediately

He may or may not be armed, either way and for obvious reasons, take the necessary precautions to avoid any contact with the man local authorities are referring to as "The Side of the House Bandit".

Also please be aware that Olivia the Olive Monster is on the loose. She was last seen sometime during the winter and authorities have been unable to determine her whereabouts. If you have olives (pitted, sliced or even chopped) you may be in danger. You are advised to consume them immediately or discard them in a safe location or be willing to face this deadly creature on your own.

Local man reaches new step in the ladder of life

It has become all to clear for a local man. He has said goodbye to the years of a boy and welcomes in the life of a 13-year-old. You can see by the look in his eyes, the excitement, the passion and the thrill of teenage years are here. Look out rest of the world, greatness is on the way.

Keep on the look out for our team of photographers, we just might be shooting you.
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Blogging versus Jogging

Over the past few days two things have been constant, pollens have filled my head; which has taken on more of the feeling of a brick, and the rains have fallen. However, as the sun shines just on the other side of the dark grey clouds, this time has given me the opportunity to coddle in the things I do best. Which include dreaming about doing great things and never doing anything about them, and gardening.

As our winding road of complete organic gardening widens, it is all to clear that we know very little. However with the planting of a few marigolds here and some basil and garlic there, POOF, we have the beginnings of a natural pesticide and a little kick to the salsa yet to come.

Now the other picture that looks like a scene from a 1930’s Robert Florey flick is nothing more than me, my camera, a couple of cerveza’s and a great lighting storm sometime in the early a.m. the other day.

Which is an awful intro into the title of this posting. Believe it or don’t, I am neither a bloggeror a jogger. This posting represents 100% of all blogging I have shared with the world, which is exactly 100% more than

the amount of jogging I have shared with myself. With any luck, nobody will be hunting me down and the ladder will remain the same.

I must go now and work on the next best seller, and polish up my hit song I am writing. More than likely I will just make a sandwich and catch the last half of Axe Men. Later…

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Belly Acres

Now that we are seriously considering buying a new house we have been reflecting on how long we have lived in our simple little abode. It has inspired me to try and complete one of my projects from school that I never fully finished. It is a comic strip inspired by our little neighborhood called "Belly Acres". This is the 3/4 complete cover art.
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