Update on the fire pit.

Since you are all wondering in great anticipation, (especially Mike), I am here to update you on the fire pit. When I posted last time the fire pit was more of a...prototype. It was functionally complete but not altogether finished.

As of this most previous Sunday, the fire pit is complete. Her name is Priscilla Dionysus and she is a beaut. It stands nearly two feet tall with a removable and adjustable fourth layer, giving the user greater flexibility concerning the wind. While the circumference is currently unmeasured, do not worry. A couple of turkeys or a 200 pound pit will roast nicely.

My only obstacle is an adequate top for it.

I think I can find one, but in the meantime, by good friend and I are going to fashion a sturdy, heavy-duty iron spit.

Next to it is a pile of wood and a chopping block with an 8 pound wood splitter embedded quite deeply.

Ah this winter should be nice.

Between Sandra and I being unmarried, constant billowing of smoke emanating from our back yard, and multiple instances of very loud verbal sparring with solicitors and the police, we are quickly becoming the lice of the neighborhood.

While we do not litter our yard with half-filled kiddie pools and vintage bus parts, we are pondering the notion of getting one of those swell little silhouette cutouts of a cowboy to adhere to the East side of the house.

Well I am off to chop some wood. It relieves tension. Between 3 women, 4 cats and a incontinent German Shepard, I get a lot of wood chopped.


lattehead said...

Pictures man, pictures!

waffleboy007 said...

I understand the need for chopping wood. Me, Mike (Dena's Dad) Brendon and Jake, cut, split and stacked 17 ricks of wood two weekends ago. I have no pics as of yet because our portion of the wood is not here yet, it will be this weekend, and much like you, I believe winter will be nice!

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