Paris pictures

Hey everyone,

I have finally got about 100 pictures from Paris uploaded to the Shutterfly site. Take a look and let me know what you think. Meg and I have plans to visit Turkey next month, Bourdeaux and Scotland in January, and Amsterdam in February. I will let you know how each trip goes.

Remember, the address is, and the password is our favorite person from the Lake. You will enjoy these photos; I took out many of Meagan's photos that featured the baguette, because she took at least 15 (yes, we caught that many Parisians eating baguettes).

Anyway, say hi to everyone for me and let me know if you ever want to setup a call. I can accommodate. In addition, let me know if you have any questions on the pictures (like where they were taken).



waffleboy007 said...

I have a question, who is our favorite person from the lake?

Rhettism said...

Ernie man, Ernie. The answer is also on a blog posting from September. Very sad man.

lattehead said...

Really nice pics Rhett. I'll be posting mine from our trip to Lake Thunderbird soon.

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