Leaving on a jet plane

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I am finally leaving for London at 9 p.m. Saturday. After three weeks of being homeless, jumping from couch to couch, I received my visa (and got my passport back) and I am off to meet up with Meagan. It was very stressful, but things are looking up and now I have an opportunity to look for a job and enjoy a great year abroad. The visa is actually for three years, but I do not see myself staying that long.

Anyway, I want to keep in touch with everyone and need you all to post to this blog as much as possible. In addition, I created a photo journal on Shutterfly to share with everyone. You can and should post pictures to the site as well, so we can all know things are going. The link to the site is: http://rhettsphotojournal.shutterfly.com/ and the password is ernie. For those of you who remember, Ernie is our friend from the lake.

Also, please add Meagan to this site. Her email address is megmack83@gmail.com. Finally, answer your phones!!!



lattehead said...

Nice pics. I think we should all start posting some.

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