Update from Philly (includes key dates)

To all my fans in Oklahoma, and I know there are many, the hype building around my visit has boiled over. The people have asked me countless times, "When are you coming home Big R?" Well, the dates are official, so after you read this you are on notice.

Meagan and I arrive in Shawnee on Aug. 9 after a 20 hour drive with the cats. We are going to be in Central Oklahoma for at least seven days. I was thinking we should do a get together with everyone that did not include a draft on Aug. 15, which is a Saturday. We could do this at Ted's or give Geoff an opportunity to show off his new place. The location does not really matter.

During the week of Aug. 17 I will be in Tulsa for a majority of the time. However, I was thinking we could do our fantasy draft, inviting only those who were interested, on Aug. 22 or 23. How does everyone's schedule look? Would those dates be appropriate?

The Swiss Cheese Cowboys are ready for another season of dominating the lower ranks, but a name change may be in the cards. That has not been confirmed. Below is a list of questions I have concerning the league:

  • How many teams are in the league this season?
  • Any rule changes?
  • What is the draft order?


waffleboy007 said...

I am glad to see that you didn't spend all your travel money on good seats at the Phillies game.

Meanwhile, back in Ranger country, we would be glad to host or go to Geoff's on the 15th, and the 22nd sounds good. I am sure the rules will be bent to benifit a certain couple, just as they are each year. But, like Stoops would say, " I don't care. You make the rules and we'll play by 'em."

Everybody get ready for a heepin helping of pip daddy upside the head, and get me my Colorado jersey.

lattehead said...

No kidding! Did you get tickets on top of the lights.

But seriouly, the 22nd is good for FF since it is closer to the football season and the 15th at Geoff's sounds splendid. Speaking of Geoff, I have invited him twice to join the blog but as yet no response. I sent an email to his gmail address. If anyone knows of another address please email it to me.

As for The Pip Daddies incendiary remarks, the league is looking into a possible suspension and substantial fines. Other teams are fed up with the constant whining of last years so called champs.

If the pressure is getting to you then like Dan Hawkins said, "Go play intramurals, brother … go play intramurals,"

Rhettism said...

I believe watching the Phillies from the top deck is fine considering Ryan Howard hits homeruns to that section all the time. It is not like watching the Rangers.

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