Question of the week

Please answer the following question and give your rationale.

Would you rather: Do without supermarkets or… do without convenience stores and fast-food restaurants?


Rhettism said...

I would rather do without convenience stores and fast food restaurants. If this would have been a three part questiion in which I could have eliminated fast food, then we would still have convenience stores.

One supermarket that is really nice is Trader Joe's, and I could never imagine a world without Trader Joe's. In addition, England has a wealth of great supermarkets.

Fast food restaurants are typically not cost efficient, and you never feel like you got what you paid for.

lattehead said...

I tend to agree with Rhett, especially when you consider that you can get good deli food of salads if you want something quick even from a supermarket. Of course, no midnight run to the 7-11 to get a giant mountain dew and a king size snickers and a package of tums would be dorely missed.

lattehead said...

dorely? Not to be confused wuth sorely.

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