News from the Waffle Iron

From time to time, The Waffle Iron will be bringing you local stories with a local flavor. As your local publication, we understand how important it is to see yourself and your loved ones in our publication. So keep in eye out for yourself, you may just end up in The Waffle Iron.

Celebrity in town for reasons unknown to residents
A celebrity was spotted in our quiet little town recently. Some local residents say Steven Wright was in town for a tall class of powdered milk and scrambled eggs. Other eye wittiness's claim the Christopher Lloyd was on site for perhaps a reunion episode of Taxi. Whatever the reasoning, if you see this man, please show him the respect and cordiality of our little town, and run the other direction and avoid any eye contact, restraining yourself from asking for an autograph.

If you have seen this man or young lady you are asked to call crime stoppers immediately

He may or may not be armed, either way and for obvious reasons, take the necessary precautions to avoid any contact with the man local authorities are referring to as "The Side of the House Bandit".

Also please be aware that Olivia the Olive Monster is on the loose. She was last seen sometime during the winter and authorities have been unable to determine her whereabouts. If you have olives (pitted, sliced or even chopped) you may be in danger. You are advised to consume them immediately or discard them in a safe location or be willing to face this deadly creature on your own.

Local man reaches new step in the ladder of life

It has become all to clear for a local man. He has said goodbye to the years of a boy and welcomes in the life of a 13-year-old. You can see by the look in his eyes, the excitement, the passion and the thrill of teenage years are here. Look out rest of the world, greatness is on the way.

Keep on the look out for our team of photographers, we just might be shooting you.


lattehead said...

Man, that pic of the G man is hilarious

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