I've been invited!!

Well, well, well.... I have finally been invited to the family blog so here I am blogging!! You know, the sound of that (blogging) sounds like something is caught in your throat. To be sure, an exaggerated sound like blaaawwwwggg is a noise I have made a few times in the morning after staying up with old friends the night before and drinking way too many adult beverages.
Speaking of drinking too much, one big accomplishment in the last couple of years is that I hardly drink at all anymore. No particular reason why; I mean, it's not like woke up one morning and said, "you know, I think I will quit drinking." I just don't really enjoy it like I once did. Now, that is not to say I don't drink anymore, I just only drink now if I am by myself or with someone.
Nothing of course will make you drink like, well, watching the OU game against Texas Tech. You know that game reminded of when Blake or Gibbs was coaching. I really don't know what's up with the Sooners this year, but it has certainly been a rough season. This really makes me feel good that we sold the tickets like we did. I guess the Sooners are like the economy. We certainly can't stay on top every year, but after such a crash, you know we will rebound and come back - even without a bailout.
I turned 40 on November 21. This means Ive lived on this planet nearly half a century. I don't feel a day over 39. I may have to start using Viagra or something now. It's just hard to beleive I am 40 years old. I remember being in high school thinking that 25 seemed really, really old, and that, I would probably be dead by 35. Well, I didn't die at 35 and here I am at 40. Unbelievable.
Speaking of Viagra, a friend of mine was telling me about the great benefits of it. He would go on and on about how good the drug is. All I can say is don't get choked up trying to swallow the pill and get it stuck in your throat. This is what happened to me and it gave me a stiff neck.
Actually, I have no use for Viagra because, well, there certainly isn't anything going on in that department. Which reminds me, I have been happily single now for 9 years. That is almost as long as Kena and I were together including the marriage.
I look forward to many more posts.... in the meantime, have a great day!!


Rhettism said...


By far this is the best blog entry I have read in a very long time. You sir have a knack for the blog. And, I am truely amazed that hit 40 the other day. You are well on your way to 80!

In all seriousness, however, it is nice to see you have joined the blog. Latte head (Zach) can be a bit of an elitist with his creation. I think Dennis is still trying to log on.

I will find you something from Turkey when I go to send along. Actually, I hear Turkish baths are what a person is supposed to get, but You Tube turkish bath and you will find a BBC reporter from the 80s being washed by a very large, and hairy, Bulgarian.

Anyway, I will talk to you all later on.

Big R

Geoffrey Burch said...

You notice Zakk and Mike did not appear on the blog at the same time? Very suspect....

Mr. Mike, you need, and I do emphasize "need", to come to Norman Oklahoma on a Friday. I don't mean get together after night fall kinda nonsense either. I mean show up around 3:00 in the afternoonish and put our feet by the fire with bourbon and a jazz cigarette and roast a carcass.

In the meantime, you should listen to my jive at www.facebook.com/potearth and www.sonicbids.com/geoffreyburch

Seriously Mike, get in touch with me so we can put our feet by the fire. Look at the previous post about my fire pit if you need further clarification. The penalty for your failure in this is.....Five Million Dollars.


E. Z. Fingers said...

Will do... but it will be after the Holidays. I am in the middle of this never ending project programming a video game. In fact, we are debuting it at a conference as I type.

I have to go to Aledo Texass on the 8th, and I will be there for at least two weeks.

But, by all means, let us get together ASAP.

Geoffrey Burch said...

Currently I am involved in a video game and have been for over a year!!!! Some of the music on my mentioned websites feature some of the music.

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