The Pit of Fire is Complete....sorta!

Well I've not taken any pictures of it yet, but tonight is the Maiden Voyage of my own fire pit. To give you and idea of just how awesome this thing truly is would be a literary feat of which I am incapable. Just take my word for it. If all goes well, I'll be crafting swords and armor from the thing. I need to fashion some sorty of spit so that we can rotisserie a pig or a few chickens or even a turkey. In the meantime....word to your Mothra.


Geoffrey Burch said...

EDIT: Okay, just to let everyone know, I had my first fire in the ol' pit. It was everything and more for which I could've hoped. Sandra and I observed the fire in such a way that John Prine would be proud.

Rhettism said...

How big is this pit? Does it resemble the inside of a volcano?

dennis said...

hip hop hooray! I enjoyed the fire pit also.......oh wait I have not been invited to see it yet

E. Z. Fingers said...

I would really like an invitation to see this thing. I have heard some really rave reviews from those that have observed this incredible fire pit; alas, I have received no invitation from the man responsible for this wonderful feat of human ingenuity. I guess I'll just hold my breath and wait. In the meantime, I'll buy some Hebrew National hot dogs and get ready..... word to your mother!

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