10th Annual Trash Film Festival

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This is my latest poster. I'm working on a new illustration style that is a combination between my previous styles with a little beatnik 50's and 60's flavor added. This poster is for a little movie festival some of our friends put on every year that is a bit like the old days at Walt's' when we would pick the worst movies we could find and crack up while watching. The Trash Film Festival is similar except we all sit around like Mystery Scence Theatre 3000 and laugh at the most ridiculous movies ever produced. You guys need to check out such classics as Wild Guitar and The Killer Shrews, they will absolutely kill you!


Rhettism said...


I am a big fan of trashy films. If you want to go off on a trashy film binge, I recommend anything that is a Lifetime original movie. Meagan and I tend to watch a new one every month, and we prefer titles from the early to mid 90s. "For My Daughter's Honor" and "No One Would Tell" are personal favorites. I do like this poster, however, great work.

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