
Hey Everyone,

I have uploaded some random pictures from Paris. I am in the process of uploading them to the Shutterfly site (275 in all), but that takes time. I hope you enjoy the pictures, however.

How is everyone doing? The firepit looks nice, but I imagine the weather is still too warm for fires. I hear Ted might be returning for school, and if that is the case Big Ted needs to contact me. I am friends with the Dean at OU's Gaylord College, and I can get you a plethora of answers.

Meg is progressing quite well through school, and I am still searching for work. I am not at the desperation stage yet, but that time is on the horizon. Thank you, by the way, for helping mom and Dennis gather items to send us. We greatly appreciate things such as fried onions for green bean casserole.

Anyway, I am off, but throw up some posts. I thought I remember most of you having kids, but I hear nothing about them. Oh well.



waffleboy007 said...

"I'll bring you dishwater, you'll never know the difference."

Hello Rhett and Meg, how are things? Paris looks good, and cold.

I am returning to school (if they will accept me) however I am leaning towards Oklahoma State, they seem to be more willing to work with me and my schedule of taking classes at night and only one or two per semester. Also, they are beginning a PhD in Mass Communications next year and they seem somewhat excited about having a slub instructor from UCO as a student. Anyway, only time will tell.

Don't worry about not finding a job, you'll be amazed at how much failure you can accept in the job market. Anyway, nothing a little vodka on the rocks can't fix. Good Luck to you and I won't be in town on this Saturday, however if you are able to call next Saturday, I will be here. Take care.

Rhettism said...

Well big T, let me know if you need any more info from OU, because I can help you out. Regardless, good luck on the return to school. It is quite fun.

Liquor is expensive here, so I may have to rely on cheap Spanish wine to get me through the days, which is really not a bad deal. I will certainly call you next week.

Paris was not too bad, about 10C (50F). It was just a bit rainy the first day. Actually, as soon as Nov. 1 rolled around, the temperature dropped what felt like about 8 degrees on average.

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