Give Me Some Input

Okay, I have to use my entrepreneurial skills and plug some of my products, hey, even on the family blog. You know, us capitalistic pigs will do anything for a buck, but you know, it takes all kinds.

Seriously, after ten or so months of work, I am just about ready to launch on a much bigger scale my HOVZNET site, which is an Internet product site. I actually have quite a few customers now, but I haven't really seriously done a whole lot with the site.

What I would really like is for you folks to go to the site and play around with it, maybe set up an account, and give me some input on it; what you like, what you don't like. It will be changing quite frequently in the next few weeks as a change this and that and tailor it more towards my target group.

I figure since most of us use the Internet a lot, this is a great test market. Many of the pages now are in their generic form, so much will be changing. Any ideas anyone has would be greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day!!!!
The website is


Rhettism said...


I know you say the site is in generic form, but I guess the one issue I have is when you click on a service, it takes you to a different portal. Are you affiliated with a service, or did you create that portal for the products as well? In addition, if you are connected through a portal, just to make potential customers willing to try your product, you should add some testimonials from current customers. The reason being because it differentiates you from other suppliers and gives you dependability.

What is HovZ? Just curious.

E. Z. Fingers said...

What I mean by generic is the way the interface is set up. Indeed this is a reseller account through Go Daddy, and what you see is a generic API. What I will be doing now is formatting it so that it all looks the same by using their APIs. In other words, I will develop a look and a style and then program the APIs accordingly.

My main concern right now is that you have all the options you would expect to have at a sight where you would be buying Hosting or Domain. Although as a reseller you have the option of selling quite a few different products, what I really want to focus on is Domain registration, Hosting, Blogging, and back-up. So, a lot of the options you have now will be removed.

Again, my main concern right now is ease of use, pricing structure, and product availability. Your input really helped. Thank you. The idea of having testimonials is very good.

By the way, HovZnet is a dumb ass name that Denni9s and I came up with, as in the HOV lane in Dallas. I wanted something with a Z or a Q in it. Please note, this name is subject to change at anytime.

Anyone who comes up with a better name, If I use it will get a free domain for a year!! So help me out!!

By the way, I will be launching another site very soon that will be nothing but alcoholic drink recipes. I know there are plenty of others, I am just adding my own twist to the mix. Help me come up with a name for it.

If you want, I would be happy to have suggestions on this site as well. I was thinking about hasving people be able to submit their recipes and having other people vote on them. Let me know.

Have a great day!!

Geoffrey Burch said...

I have a suggestion...for a recipe.

Back in the day, Bob would pour a shot or two of Jack Daniels into his boxed wine so that while he only appeared to have had a "third" little nip, he was as plastered as I, or Rhett. I have found that this concoction will allow the drinkability of a cheap wine more attainable, and as you can imagine, packing a heavy punch.

So the recipe is three parts cheap box wine, any flavor will do, and one part whiskey, of perhaps even a similar variety.

A couple name suggestions:

"The Real Car Dealer"
"The Brack'n Pinion".

E. Z. Fingers said...

As in... I am assuming this would be the name for the drink recipe site correct? I like it, but I don't know if it would work.

However, the drink recipe is awesome, and we could tout it as a way to be totally smashed while everyone else thinks you only had a couple of drinks.

The beauty of this of course is that everyone thinks you are a light drinker because it only takes a couple of drinks of wine to make you act like a complete fool. Wouldn't want anyone to think you drink too much right?

Geoffrey Burch said...

I did not know Bracknpinion was a website. Golly!

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