He Is Alive

You were not expecting this....http://www.garageband.com/artist/TheStephensonCompany

Take a listen, read the page, really saturate yourself in this fellas.


E. Z. Fingers said...

I remember one time about 1989 or so when I was trying to figure out the whole multi-track thing (and yes, we were still analog in those days), anyway, I remember farting in the microphone and I accidentally recorded it.

I must say, that recording, was better than this one. Now, I hate to put down other peoples work when it comes to music. But, let me say from the bottom of my heart, this is the absolute worse crap I have heard in a long time.

Please tell me this is a joke. First, the idea of the song, the whole Iraq bit, is just plain dumb.

Secondly, the recording quality sounds like someone using a shoebox recorder from TG&Y.

Thirdly, the vocals and everything else just plain suck. Sorry, that's my opinion. I just hope I didn't bookmark this page!!

waffleboy007 said...

There is good writing, there is good music and then there is The Stephenson Company.

Also, nice TG&Y reference.

lattehead said...

Oh my. I blew coffee out of my nose I laughed so hard. You got to listen to 'Have You Dreams?'

lattehead said...

And when did he get a company?

Geoffrey Burch said...

You notice that he did not include the hit "It's too Late" but worry not, I have a copy. Soon we'll have a listen and laugh well.

Rhettism said...

Oh my god... I am going to buy the album.

"Are you someone with... Demanding goals"

How is this possible?

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