News From the Waffle Iron

It seems the quiet folks of Waffletown are being tormented and terrorized by an unknown assailant. Just last night she struck again, demanding from a local merchant, "Give me a bottle of anything, and go,go,go"

If you have seen her, or any early '80s Van Halen video, you should call the police and probably run for cover.

The mountain waters of New Mexico were kind this year, as one day this slub of a UCO instructor stomped around for 18 miles, in one day. Don't let the views from the highway fool you, New Mexico is a great place that only lacks two things Colorado always has, 14,000 foot mountains and crowds of people.

And finally, while this may not appear as news worthy, we believe it is worth sharing. This was taken at the conclusion of a wonderful day of driving and sight seeing. This photo was taken on the east end of the Eufaula Lake just a few miles from a certain double-wide. Which, shortly after taking this picture was fully inspected. It appears very little foot traffic has seen this trailer, and the place could use a good cleaning. We suggest saving your nickles and dimes in a sock or under a mattress, or wherever you feel you need to. For you see, that double-wide is not the only trailer this reporter believes will soon be up for sale.

Until next time, remember you are always on the record


lattehead said...

That's the most disturbing picture I have ever seen.

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