Blogging versus Jogging

Over the past few days two things have been constant, pollens have filled my head; which has taken on more of the feeling of a brick, and the rains have fallen. However, as the sun shines just on the other side of the dark grey clouds, this time has given me the opportunity to coddle in the things I do best. Which include dreaming about doing great things and never doing anything about them, and gardening.

As our winding road of complete organic gardening widens, it is all to clear that we know very little. However with the planting of a few marigolds here and some basil and garlic there, POOF, we have the beginnings of a natural pesticide and a little kick to the salsa yet to come.

Now the other picture that looks like a scene from a 1930’s Robert Florey flick is nothing more than me, my camera, a couple of cerveza’s and a great lighting storm sometime in the early a.m. the other day.

Which is an awful intro into the title of this posting. Believe it or don’t, I am neither a bloggeror a jogger. This posting represents 100% of all blogging I have shared with the world, which is exactly 100% more than

the amount of jogging I have shared with myself. With any luck, nobody will be hunting me down and the ladder will remain the same.

I must go now and work on the next best seller, and polish up my hit song I am writing. More than likely I will just make a sandwich and catch the last half of Axe Men. Later…


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