New website

I am working on a new site for my design and illustration portfolio and I thought a good way to get feedback is to ask the worldwide audience/4 people that read this blog to give me some input. If you all could go to the site and click on the images and then briefly tell me if you have any issues with the site. Specifically I need to know the OS you are using, the browser and version, your monitor dimensions and if you have any trouble with the javascript that makes the images open.

The site isn't complete but once I get info back from the family about the structure I can complete it. Go to


Rhettism said...


I used Firefox, version 3.5.4 for Vista, and that is the newest version of the browser. The pictures took anywhere from 2-4 seconds to load, but I am "borrowing" Internet and that may mean my downloads are slower. I have a 15 inch monitor on my Dell XPS M1530 laptop.

I like the designs.

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