
First of all, I want to thank everyone who took part in the Skype conversation on Friday. I think everyone did a great job considering the slow video and what not. You guys do not know how great it was for me and Meg to see you again, so each of you should try to set up some time to Skype with us on a smaller scale.

Second, Mike, congratulations on becoming a midwife. I do believe you are entering the profession at a time when midwives are out of favor, but you have never been one to back down from a challenge. Actually, I am kidding. I know I will get a chance to see you when I gear up Dennis to run a Skype conversation again. I hope you are doing well, though.

Finally, I have posted pictures from Turkey (click this link and the password is ernie (can't remember if that is capitalized)). There are a lot of pictures of stray cats, so let me explain. Turkey is known for having a large population of stray cats, and that is quite common in the Mediterranean area for some reason. Regardless, it is interesting because the cats eat any rodent in the city, and people feed these cats a ton, so it is like free labor for the Turkish people. Meg thought this was fascinating, so she took pictures of as many cats as possible. If you are unsure of a picture, such as where it was taken, and if you would like me to explain it, please let me know what the picture number is. I will try and add descriptions of locations later, but there are a ton of pictures.

On that note, I am off. I hope to speak to all of you again soon. Have a great weekend.



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