New Family Site

Hey folks, I have put up a new Boxed Lightning website designed to expand on Zach's original blog site for the entire family to use. This site will incorporate all of the features you would expect on a typical social networking site like Facebook or Twitter, but it is privately contained as an intranet site for use by our family.

The domain will be There will be some upcoming changes made to it as Zach works on the design elements and I work on the technical end, but basically you can start using the site now.

You will not be able to log on to the site at for a few more days while we get the transfer straitened up, but, you can click here to log on, and start using the site now.

The site will allow you to not only blog, but put up pictures, video, music, or even create your own web page for use by the family.

Some features are not immediately available, but check back often as we will be working on it each day.

Go To Site Here


Geoffrey Burch said...

Signed up...I sure hope I am approved.

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