Is This a Joke? What a sad story...

Robert Wosturnmik was the CEO and president of a fine scientific firm called R. W. Scientific Laboratories, Inc. in upstate Washington. Robert started the company about twenty years or so ago and had managed to turn it into a top-notch company in the realm of scientific research. In fact his company is responsible for many of the gadgets you probably use everyday, as well as being for improvements and refinements of items already in existence. The company for example made a small fortune on the 12-volt, plug in your car coffee warming mug.

But, with all of this success, Robert found that he was working way, way too hard and barely had time for his wife and kids. After pondering over the situation for awhile, he decided to call in one of his lead scientists to help give him some advice on the matter.

Glen, his lead scientist, told Robert about a project the firm was working on concerning cloning the human body. He explained to Robert that it might be possible to make a clone of himself, and Robert could take some time off while the clone stayed on the job to get things done. Robert, after thinking it over, decided that this just might be a good idea. Glen, however, explained to Robert that they had not perfected the cloning process and that one of the main problems with the clone was that it cussed like a sailor all the time.

After further consideration, Robert decided that it might not be so bad to have someone with a salty tongue handle the day-to-day operations of the company and that perhaps someone with a little bit of a mouth might be a good thing.

Anyway, after creating the clone, and Glen telling Robert it was ready, but warning again of his somewhat vulgar use of the English language, Robert decided to take some much needed time off and let the clone be in charge for awhile.

However, it wasn't long until it became apparent that the clone wasn't going to work out as intended. The clone couldn't hardly say a single sentence without uttering some type of profanity. As a result, the company began loosing customers, and several of its employees quit.

Even though Robert wanted some more time off, he decided he had to return to work and see what was going on. He reasoned that, maybe if he spoke with the clone about his improper use of his profanity, maybe the clone would understand and curb his tongue a little. So, Robert went back to work and asked the clone if they could have lunch in the cafeteria on the top floor of the building. The clone agreed.

While they were at lunch, Robert tried to explain to the clone that he just couldn't continue to use such vulgar language, that it was making customers mad and causing many of the long-term employees to quit. The clone however responded with very disgusting language, calling Robert all kinds of names. This of course began to make Robert very mad and before long both Robert and his clone were yelling back and forth, screaming and shouting, and causing quite a scene.

In the course of all of this the clone continued to call Robert all sorts of terrible names and finally Robert had had enough and punched the clone in the nose. The clone fell backwards and through the window of the cafeteria on the top floor, and fell all the way down 32 stories to the street below. Robert, who by now was in complete shock, realized what had happened and ran down the stairs to the street to see what had happened to the clone.

By the time Robert got down to the clone, the police, fire department, and an ambulance had arrived on the scene and several people from nearby offices and buildings had come outside to see what all the commotion was about.

Finally, Robert got a chance to speak to an officer. The officer responded, "Sir, we are going to have to place you under arrest!"

"Why? Why are you placing me under arrest?"

"Well, " the officer replied, "can't you see? You made an obscene clone fall..."


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