Rockport here come.....

Hey Hey Hey.... Good News; well I think it is anyway. Pat and Elaine, some very good friends of mine in Medicine Park, have just purchased a summer home in Rockport, Texas. In case you are wondering, Rockport is about 60 miles north of Corpus Christi, Texas.

Anyway, they purchased this home in an online auction. The house appraised at $149,000, and they wound up buying the house for $50,000. Not a bad deal.

Pat and Elaine, and several others of us will be going down to the house this spring and doing some remodeling and other needed work on the home. We figure the place needs about a month of work on it to be good to go.

This is where the good news comes in - I will be able to use the home anytime I want to. I spoke with Pat and Elaine about the possibility of using the house sometime in June or July and having my family come along. They said that would be fine.

Therefore, if anyone is interested, I thought we might all go down there for a week or so sometime this summer. We are about 1/2 mile from the beach. The house is three bedrooms and also has a guest house in the back, so there would be plenty of room.

Now the bad news is that it is an 11 hour drive to Rockport. Nonetheless, I thought this might be something that we could all enjoy this summer.

If you might be interested, please let me know ASAP so I can put the plan in motion. I know it is only January, but you know how time flies. Plus, it would give everyone a chance to take off work if possible, and it would allow me to make sure there would be no scheduling conflicts with other people that will be using the house from time to time.

I think we would all have a grand time. It may not be as fun as going to the lake house, but it could be really neat. Like I say, the beach is only about 1/2 mile from the house. It has a full bar, a big screen TV, plenty of room, and would definitely be a good get away.

Let me know.


lattehead said...

sign me up

waffleboy007 said...

I am in, June or July.

Rhettism said...

Anything north of Corpus Christi is very nice. After you get to Corpus and until you reach South Padre, the disgusting bile that belches out of Corpus takes over.

I do miss the gulf, though. My daily commute along the Thames reinforces my love of Lone Star beer, 100 degree days, and sunburns.

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