Send me an Angel

Okay, so the title was a If you are not aware, Scorpion, the band I most remember from
this house,
(Zoom in a little, look at the street view, really try to recall the time Theodore wrote F**k Edie in the dust on the lamp), recently announced they are calling it quits. I recall Daryl, the female Daryl, singing, "Let's spend the night together "...from the song "The Rhythm of Love" atop the flattop mountain. This was just a hop skip and a jump from "Jimmies". I'll buy a bottle of good Pepsi Throwback to anybody that can show me where that was.

Seriously, the interesting part is not that Scorpion is ending it, but rather that they have been at it for 44 years. Yes, 44 years. That is 1965. Actually, when their world tour is finished, it'll be 2012 and it will be 46 years. That is older than Mike or my girlfriend.

That started in 1965. Mother, our mother, graduated High School in 1963, the same year Kennedy was shot.

Ah the Winds of Change.

I have not eaten a Chocodile since then, but I am sure they are just as good.


Rhettism said...


Let me get this straight: mom has been an adult longer than Scorpion has been a band?

This is some interesting news. Is this the same house where the meat stuck on the wall? I laugh at that story to this day. I am pretty sure it would not translate in England, though, as meat that sticks on walls is likely illegal.

How is everyone doing?

lattehead said...

Rock You Like A Huricane! Dude, say it aint't so. Geoff, don't make plans for Feb 7th. Be at moms at 2ish sor good times and good food.

Geoffrey Burch said...

Yo Rhett, Sandra tried to send you an e-mail via facebook, but you are kinda RC Pro Aming her. She has a few questions about our trip over there. She is going to purchase the tickets here in about a week or you might check your FaceBook.

lattehead said...

Wow! Thanks for ruining my week with those haaarible memories. By the way. Is Dad's house the stucco one near the top of the hill next to the house with the green gate?

Geoffrey Burch said...

The address is 3623. Near the gate that blocks the street. We used to sneak into the neighbor's backyard and steal limes and lemons. In fact, the neighbor's house there is a visible lemon on the street view.

It is funny about that time...near Glen Alta school, I used to walk up a small set of stairs that led into a house where we would walk through a hallway and there was a Latina that would sell us 2-liter Pepsis, Jolly Ranchers, and Now and Laters at prices ridiculously low. She did not speak a word of English and I could not speak a word of Spanish, but we still were able to communicate. Odd. I used to go to that house with my friend Mike. Mike was not a memorable character, but his father was a Mexican with a big fat gut that never wore a shirt and had a barbed-wire tattoo.

Ah, Orange County Rednecks.

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