Boxed Lightning it is....

OK... so Boxed Lightning it is instead of Brabur. You know come to think of it a bur in the bra does sound a little rough... I'm jus' sayin'.

So, what we can do is just log onto and go from there. Since I already have the site ready to go, you will need to change your DNS settings. Also, since I call it brabur on the server, we can change the .htacess file so the browser will show boxedlightning instead of brabur.

As far as the design is concerned, as I stated in the last post, it's pretty easy because there are a lot of templates available. I have built about 20 sites now using Drupal and of all the CMS suites I have used like joomla, word suite, etc., this is by far the best because of the functionality of it. The problem though is that because it offers so much integration and options, the learning curve is a little long. Plus, just grasping the concept of how it works takes some getting used to.

Everything about the system is customizable so each site you build is completely unique although the engine is the same. Here are some links to help you see what I mean.

Drupal Main Site - Click Here

Theme (design) building and templates - Click here

Modules and Plug-ins - Click here

Forums and help from users - Click here

Documentation and key concepts Click Here

The other thing I really like about this CMS is how easy it is to implement custom PHP code within your site. This is like the icing on the cake as far as really making your site a custom piece of work. Like I say, the learning curve is steep, but once you begin to grasp it, you can build a very functional, very professional site in no time at all.

With all of that said, with your graphics capabilities you should have no problems designing our site to be fun and exciting. The beauty is also that after you design the site the way you want it a click of the mouse will change the whole site and everything I've already done will be there, except with your design.

I look forward to doing this project with everyone and I really do think we will have a great time.


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