P.S. I Forgot To Mention

The site is fully functional now, but you cannot access it yet with the domain name. I will have this done by Thursday afternoon. Meanwhile, you can access it here.

When you get to the site, simply click on the 'Create a new account' link and register. You will have to be manually approved, and then you can start playing around with it.

Lattehead, as far as redesigning the look of the site, it's fairly straight-forward if you have say Dreamweaver and know a little java. Their are hundreds of templates already available that can be customized and implemented. Click here for details on theme customization and technical details on redesigning the look and feel of the site.

I am glad you approve, Lattehead, since you started Boxed Lightning originally. I just didn't want to step on any toes.

All right.... let's have some fun!!


lattehead said...

By the way, I own boxedlightning.com so we can use that if we want. Nothing against brabur, but it makes me think of a burr in a bra which Linda tells me is not a good thing. I'm just sayin'

E. Z. Fingers said...

That's fine. I will need to know some stuff.

E. Z. Fingers said...

Actually, if you want to point your DNS records accordingly that's all we have to do.

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