So Sorry.....

I deeply apologize for not making it to Ted's on the 1st; a good friend of mine had her baby that day-her birthday will be 01/01/10. Pretty neat.

The baby wasn't due actually until the 11th; however, it came early. I had come up to watch the OU game on the 31st with the full intention of going to Ted's on the 1st.

Chrissy started having labor pains the evening of the 31st and by 9:00pm she was going to the hospital. Needless to say, I was assigned house duties including cooking, feeding the dog, and driving people including the grandma that don't know who or where she is, to the hospital.

I think I got maybe two hours of sleep between Wednesday and Friday due to all of this fantastic activity. When I got back to the house at around 4:00pm Friday, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until about 11:30pm. This is why I missed going to Ted's.

Again, I apologize. But I must say, watching a baby being born is an absolute miracle from God, there is just no other way to describe it.


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