Give Me Some Input

Okay, I have to use my entrepreneurial skills and plug some of my products, hey, even on the family blog. You know, us capitalistic pigs will do anything for a buck, but you know, it takes all kinds.

Seriously, after ten or so months of work, I am just about ready to launch on a much bigger scale my HOVZNET site, which is an Internet product site. I actually have quite a few customers now, but I haven't really seriously done a whole lot with the site.

What I would really like is for you folks to go to the site and play around with it, maybe set up an account, and give me some input on it; what you like, what you don't like. It will be changing quite frequently in the next few weeks as a change this and that and tailor it more towards my target group.

I figure since most of us use the Internet a lot, this is a great test market. Many of the pages now are in their generic form, so much will be changing. Any ideas anyone has would be greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day!!!!
The website is
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I've been invited!!

Well, well, well.... I have finally been invited to the family blog so here I am blogging!! You know, the sound of that (blogging) sounds like something is caught in your throat. To be sure, an exaggerated sound like blaaawwwwggg is a noise I have made a few times in the morning after staying up with old friends the night before and drinking way too many adult beverages.
Speaking of drinking too much, one big accomplishment in the last couple of years is that I hardly drink at all anymore. No particular reason why; I mean, it's not like woke up one morning and said, "you know, I think I will quit drinking." I just don't really enjoy it like I once did. Now, that is not to say I don't drink anymore, I just only drink now if I am by myself or with someone.
Nothing of course will make you drink like, well, watching the OU game against Texas Tech. You know that game reminded of when Blake or Gibbs was coaching. I really don't know what's up with the Sooners this year, but it has certainly been a rough season. This really makes me feel good that we sold the tickets like we did. I guess the Sooners are like the economy. We certainly can't stay on top every year, but after such a crash, you know we will rebound and come back - even without a bailout.
I turned 40 on November 21. This means Ive lived on this planet nearly half a century. I don't feel a day over 39. I may have to start using Viagra or something now. It's just hard to beleive I am 40 years old. I remember being in high school thinking that 25 seemed really, really old, and that, I would probably be dead by 35. Well, I didn't die at 35 and here I am at 40. Unbelievable.
Speaking of Viagra, a friend of mine was telling me about the great benefits of it. He would go on and on about how good the drug is. All I can say is don't get choked up trying to swallow the pill and get it stuck in your throat. This is what happened to me and it gave me a stiff neck.
Actually, I have no use for Viagra because, well, there certainly isn't anything going on in that department. Which reminds me, I have been happily single now for 9 years. That is almost as long as Kena and I were together including the marriage.
I look forward to many more posts.... in the meantime, have a great day!!
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Paris pictures

Hey everyone,

I have finally got about 100 pictures from Paris uploaded to the Shutterfly site. Take a look and let me know what you think. Meg and I have plans to visit Turkey next month, Bourdeaux and Scotland in January, and Amsterdam in February. I will let you know how each trip goes.

Remember, the address is, and the password is our favorite person from the Lake. You will enjoy these photos; I took out many of Meagan's photos that featured the baguette, because she took at least 15 (yes, we caught that many Parisians eating baguettes).

Anyway, say hi to everyone for me and let me know if you ever want to setup a call. I can accommodate. In addition, let me know if you have any questions on the pictures (like where they were taken).

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News From the Waffle Iron

It seems the quiet folks of Waffletown are being tormented and terrorized by an unknown assailant. Just last night she struck again, demanding from a local merchant, "Give me a bottle of anything, and go,go,go"

If you have seen her, or any early '80s Van Halen video, you should call the police and probably run for cover.

The mountain waters of New Mexico were kind this year, as one day this slub of a UCO instructor stomped around for 18 miles, in one day. Don't let the views from the highway fool you, New Mexico is a great place that only lacks two things Colorado always has, 14,000 foot mountains and crowds of people.

And finally, while this may not appear as news worthy, we believe it is worth sharing. This was taken at the conclusion of a wonderful day of driving and sight seeing. This photo was taken on the east end of the Eufaula Lake just a few miles from a certain double-wide. Which, shortly after taking this picture was fully inspected. It appears very little foot traffic has seen this trailer, and the place could use a good cleaning. We suggest saving your nickles and dimes in a sock or under a mattress, or wherever you feel you need to. For you see, that double-wide is not the only trailer this reporter believes will soon be up for sale.

Until next time, remember you are always on the record
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Hey Everyone,

I have uploaded some random pictures from Paris. I am in the process of uploading them to the Shutterfly site (275 in all), but that takes time. I hope you enjoy the pictures, however.

How is everyone doing? The firepit looks nice, but I imagine the weather is still too warm for fires. I hear Ted might be returning for school, and if that is the case Big Ted needs to contact me. I am friends with the Dean at OU's Gaylord College, and I can get you a plethora of answers.

Meg is progressing quite well through school, and I am still searching for work. I am not at the desperation stage yet, but that time is on the horizon. Thank you, by the way, for helping mom and Dennis gather items to send us. We greatly appreciate things such as fried onions for green bean casserole.

Anyway, I am off, but throw up some posts. I thought I remember most of you having kids, but I hear nothing about them. Oh well.


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The Fire Pit Pt. III, The Revenge

Okay, so here it is. I really do think that fate allowed Sandra and I to meet so that we could purchase a house so that Priscilla Dionysus could be constructed. Anyway, here are some pictures.
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Update on the fire pit.

Since you are all wondering in great anticipation, (especially Mike), I am here to update you on the fire pit. When I posted last time the fire pit was more of a...prototype. It was functionally complete but not altogether finished.

As of this most previous Sunday, the fire pit is complete. Her name is Priscilla Dionysus and she is a beaut. It stands nearly two feet tall with a removable and adjustable fourth layer, giving the user greater flexibility concerning the wind. While the circumference is currently unmeasured, do not worry. A couple of turkeys or a 200 pound pit will roast nicely.

My only obstacle is an adequate top for it.

I think I can find one, but in the meantime, by good friend and I are going to fashion a sturdy, heavy-duty iron spit.

Next to it is a pile of wood and a chopping block with an 8 pound wood splitter embedded quite deeply.

Ah this winter should be nice.

Between Sandra and I being unmarried, constant billowing of smoke emanating from our back yard, and multiple instances of very loud verbal sparring with solicitors and the police, we are quickly becoming the lice of the neighborhood.

While we do not litter our yard with half-filled kiddie pools and vintage bus parts, we are pondering the notion of getting one of those swell little silhouette cutouts of a cowboy to adhere to the East side of the house.

Well I am off to chop some wood. It relieves tension. Between 3 women, 4 cats and a incontinent German Shepard, I get a lot of wood chopped.
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