For the Creative Type

Hey guys,

I was doing some reasearch for 3M the other day and stumbled upon I knew about this project from AOL, but I never really gave it any attention. Anyway, this is something to check out, because they do pay small sums of money if you can churn out some content for them.

Anyway, that odd advertisement aside, how is everyone? The blog seems a bit slow as of late. What seems to be the problem?



lattehead said...

Good question. POST PEOPLE! I am waiting on the new roll out of Mike's family social network but I know Mike has been working on a video game lately.

Rhett, what are the odds we can get Ted on Facebook?

waffleboy007 said...

I have seen this Facebook, and i can't think of anything worse i would want to spend time on. However, if you have just got to write something on a wall, come over to my house and I will put a brush in your hand, you see I am removing some popcorn texture, applying a new texture and painting a room this weekend.

Also, Rhett, if you will read the SEED PUBLISHING PROGRAM AGREEMENT, you will see the small sums of money available through these guys might never get paid. Pay close attention to the Payment portion. I find this to be an interesting sentence; You understand and agree that AOL incurs administrative costs in offering the Program and making payments to You; therefore, AOL is not obligated to send You a payment until the amount owed to You is greater than the threshold amount set forth in the Program Payment Terms and You request payment through Your Dashboard. Each time You submit Content, You are electronically agreeing to any changes then in effect regarding the Program, including without limitation, changes to the Program Payment Terms.

On a lighter note, I have figured out 18 Frames Per Second 8mm projector and the 30FPS digital video recorder equation, and I am making great progress on the film conversion. Should be completed by mid to late Spring, and that will be complete with a DVD.

Good Luck to all, talk with you later.

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