For the Creative Type

Hey guys,

I was doing some reasearch for 3M the other day and stumbled upon I knew about this project from AOL, but I never really gave it any attention. Anyway, this is something to check out, because they do pay small sums of money if you can churn out some content for them.

Anyway, that odd advertisement aside, how is everyone? The blog seems a bit slow as of late. What seems to be the problem?

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I have returned!

Hello everyone,

I have returned to the blog after bit of a hiatus. Work has been a bit hectic, and the last thing I remember to do when I get home at night is to check mail or the blog. But a man has got to make his pounds to have any fun in this country. Just in case you were wondering, I have to figure out how to sell the outfit to your right - among about 50 other brands - to people and businesses.

There are a lot of posts here, so I just want to make sure I know what is happening. Is the blog moving to a different site? Just let me know what I need to do and I will be on it. In addition, I noticed a third brother has joined Facebook; Mr. Mike Burch. Now where are the other two? I think it is quite sad for anyone in the journalism industry to not be on Facebook (hint, hint). Why, you never know how many potential sources are running around, especially on a college campus.

How is everyone doing? I am doing pretty well. Meg and I are going to Brussels next week to check out the home of the European Union. We plan to drink lots of good beer and eat some mussels. I will take pictures and post them on the ol' Shutterfly site.

Speaking of good beer, I cannot tell you how much I miss Sierra Nevada and Full Sail. The other thing is whisky (yes it is whisky when it is Scotch or Canadian). They have lots of Scotch here, of course, but it is far too harsh. I am a Crown Royal and Canadian Hunter kind of guy. What amazes me is that Crown Royal was made for the royal family, yet it costs £25 for a 750mL bottle. Give me a break! I had a friend get me a litre at the duty free on her way back to England for $23. Speaking of that, Geoff, you cannot come to England unless you bring me a litre of Crown Royal.

Anyway, I am off to read before bed. I have to be up at 5:30, so there is little chance for me to enjoy my Thursday evening.

Big R
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